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Welcome to Argh Studios

"And now, watch our Assistant pull a rabbit out of the hat..."

Human-Sized A.I.

We are entering an era of software assisting & coaching people. We think Generative AI is there to help humans, not to replace us.

After a lifetime of studying how real people & software work together, the engineers of Argh Studios have learned to focus on building tools to help people get things done the way they want.

We think this is the best road forward: building human-scale assistants, each focused on helping real people get something done that they actually need.

Human-Focused Software

We think nobody should have to learn to program to use our software. We believe in building things so they just do what you mean.

We think nobody should have to worry about safety when using our software. We believe in building things so you control what comes out.

And we think nobody should have to worry about privacy when using our software. We believe in building things so you control your data.